Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to our new blog home!

I've been negligent in posting to our blog for quite some time. I am starting to realize that I am missing out on keeping track of Bella's new developments and how things are going with the new pregnancy!

Bella turned 2 this past weekend. She was so excited! We had a small party at home for her, and we got her Dora balloons and a Dora cake. She absolutely adored her cake! When we were ready to sing to her, I asked if everyone was ready. She turned around and said, "I'm ready Mommy! I'm ready!" It was so cute! And when we were done, we asked her how old she was. She said, "4!!" She loves that number. I even put up two fingers and said two, and she will unfold my other two fingers and say, "No, 4!" She wore the dress that Jaime bought for Chloe for her birthday. She loaned us the dress when we left CO in November. It's so cute to see pics of both of them in the same dress for their birthdays. Of course, I've been slacking on taking actual portraits of Bella, but maybe this weekend. Unfortunately, she got a cold the day after the party and of course, I got it too.

She was so good about taking pics with everyone but even she had her limits!

I'm not sure if it's turning 2 or the cold, but Bella has been having major meltdowns every day since Monday! She is usually so laid back and even if she cries, she will stop within a minute or two. Now it can be 10-15 minutes of uncontrollable hysteria on the floor. The first day, I tried to console her and it made it worse. Then her behavior was so ridiculously insane that I actually started laughing. I know that sounds horrible, but I really did. So now I just leave her alone. When she starts to wind down even for a second, I try to divert her with something else. The worst was yesterday. She freaked out about having to take a nap. That alone is so odd since she usually starts going up the stairs and heads straight to her room. I had to carry her kicking and screaming up the stairs. She was still quite upset when I put her down in her crib, but I think exhaustion hit and even though she was trying to resist, her eyes started closing and she finally stopped. It's so funny how these kids can behave!!

Another thing she's been doing is feeding Jordan. She loves to pour Jordan's food in the bowl, put the cup back in the bin, and lock it. Then she has to carry the water bowl to Jordan's food stand. Of course, I have to hold it and she really just has her fingers on it, but she is so proud of herself afterwards. It's really cute if Jordan is in the way. Bella will say, "scuze me! scuze me!"

She now knows her shapes (circle, star, square, triangle, heart, rectangle, diamond) and colors (red, blue, orange, yellow, purple, green, and pink) - some in Spanish too. She knows numbers but she needs a little prompting to say the numbers in order correctly. She can say up to 15 (number of stairs in the house), but she always likes to put 4 in there more than once! We're still working on the letters, so now we watch Sesame Street in the morning. They do the letters very well on that show, so it helps her to learn. She got a wood alphabet book for her birthday and she knows all the pieces (apple, butterfly, cat, etc) and says them as she puts them back in. It's really cute how much she has learned and grown!

She's also become quite the girly girl. She has a pearl necklace and gold bracelet from her Uncle Mike and Uncle Ed. She adores her jewelry! She asks to wear them every day! And she's so proud of them that she will show and tell everyone about them! Tonight, I gave her a bath after her nap and she insisted on wearing her jewelry, having a bow clip in her hair, and putting on silver sparkly shoes!! Yikes!

As for me, I am feeling ok. I am now 14 1/2 weeks along. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks 5 days and we saw the baby's heartbeat.

We had an appt at the end of December and we heard the heartbeat then too. It's so exciting to hear. Bella is not quite understanding yet about the baby. Sometimes she will hug and kiss the belly, but otherwise, she has no problems divebombing my body or jumping on my belly (of course, I have to block her!) We will probably have our next ultrasound in about 6 weeks, so hopefully the baby will let us see what he or she is! I was ok with being surprised but Rich really wants to know!

That's it for now. I'm going to post pics when I get a chance! I also have video but we are having technical difficulties downloading it so it may be a long time before I get that up here!


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