Tuesday, December 1, 2009

He finally slept through the night!

After weeks of waking up every 2-3 hours, I decided to let him cry it out on Sunday night. It was a disaster. Poor thing just couldn't handle it. I debated not doing it again last night, but I thought I had to be strong. He ate cereal at 5 and then I gave him a bath just before 6. He nursed until we both fell asleep in the recliner for about 15 minutes. By 6:30, I put him in the crib. I had jostled him a little so he would wake up slightly before I put him down. I didn't give him the pacifier. I am now wondering if giving him the pacifier to begin with is part of the problem. Maybe he realizes it's missing and freaks out. I dressed him in a onesie, cotton pants, socks, fleece sleeper, miracle blanket (not covering his legs), and a swaddle me blanket. I decided to keep him fully swaddled. We need to conquer the pacifier thing first.

Well, he did stir at 8 when I was putting Bella to bed. We were just about to start reading a book and I heard him cry a little. By the time I read a couple of pages, he stopped. This is what he used to do - put himself back to sleep if he stirred. This was promising! Each hour that passed last night was an achievement. I went to bed at 11:30 and I was shocked when I woke and saw it was 5. I fell back to sleep and woke at 7:15 and he was still sleeping! I can't believe I got almost 8 hours of straight sleep last night, the first time since Marco was born!

I don't know if it's the food, the lack of pacifier before bed, or being dressed more warmly, but we're doing the same thing tonight!


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