Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ultrasound set for Feb. 20

I have been so laxed about blogging this pregnancy! I have been feeling like this kid has already been getting less attention than Bella did! I think it's because in the back of my mind, I still feel so anxious. I never felt that way with Bella. I was blissfully unaware of things, and now I've experienced and heard others experience things that just make me nervous! Definitely feeling movement has been reassuring but this week, I was a little freaked out b/c I couldn't remember if I felt any movement since Sunday. Sunday, this baby was moving a lot and then I don't think I felt anything since. I texted my midwife and she said that at this stage, I wouldn't necessarily feel movement consistently, but if I was really concerned, I could come into the office and they could check with the doppler. I said it was ok and I just wanted to be sure it was ok that I didn't feel it. Sure enough, tonight, this sneaky little bugger has been moving a ton! This baby is freaking me out already! We have our ultrasound scheduled for Feb. 20, so we will see if the baby wants to let us know. Rich wants to find out and I'm find either way. Although now I told my midwife that I don't mind being surprised, so she joked she will tell the u/s tech to tell us that she can't tell what the baby is!

As for big sister Bella, she is amazing! My friend Vicki came over yesterday with her two boys. Her son Nathan is two weeks older than Bella and they are like twins. They developed very similarly (same teeth at the same time) and they have very similar personalities. Her younger son Oliver was born the day after the first day of my pregnancy, so I know exactly how old he is all the time (by the way, he is 4.5 months old). Anyway, Bella adored him! She hugged him as much as she could and kissed him constantly. She even wiped the drool off his mouth. At one point, I had him on my lap on his belly, and she was standing by his face. She said, baby and then looked at my belly, and said, Mommy's baby. She kept going back and forth between him and my belly with a sort of puzzled look on her face. It was so cute! I was almost in tears when I saw how good she was with Oliver. I know she is going to be a great big sister!

We had her 2 yr appt on Friday. She did great. The doctor was very happy with her development. She is 33.5 inches tall (45%) and 26 lbs 8 oz (46%), so she is perfectly proportional. The dr was very impressed with her ability to spell her name, so she said we should teach Bella our address next. That may be awhile still! I was almost sad that we weren't going to see her ped for a year, but now that we are having this baby, we get to see her often again. Her ped is soooo nice! She always asks how my business is going and everything. It's nice that she always remembers.


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