Saturday, June 27, 2009

Single digits now...

We are now down to single digits until our due date. Actually, it's just a week from tomorrow. I can't believe it. I have been feeling quite a bit of contractions, but nothing regular yet. The weird thing is I feel very warm and our house is set at 74, which is quite cool usually. My feet in particular feel the warmest. So weird.

I had my midwife appt on Thursday and everything is fine. We talked about reasons why a vbac may not happen (big baby, failure to go into active labor, failure to progress, etc) but she did ask if I was taking the evening primrose oil. She also said having a doula definitely increases my chances. The only thing we have to wait for is for me to actually go into labor on my own. If not, I have to have another c/s because they can't induce me. They will let me go to 42 weeks again provided any testing (non stress test monitoring, biophysical profile) are good. She even said that I might just be the type that would go into labor at 43 or 44 weeks, but of course, they won't let me go that far. However, since I'd have to have a c/s, no one can make me have it until I'm ready. But I just pray that I go into labor on my own.

I was not feeling well today and I told Bella. She gave me a hug and said, "I make you feel better, ok Mommy?" It was the best medicine ever. She is just such an incredible kid. I also talked to her about her brother coming out soon and that he will be like her baby dolls that we can hold. She said she wanted to play trains with him and I prepared her and said that he won't be able to play trains for awhile. But when he is a big boy, they can play trains together.

Here are some pics that my dad took of Bella while she was at their house. I'm so glad he took them. She is getting so big! I have a few others and some video too, but that will have to wait until tomorrow when I can download them.

She built this herself...


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