Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pink or blue??

We had our ultrasound on Friday the 20th and everything looks great. Baby is healthy and all the measurements were normal. Of course, everyone wants to know, boy or girl? Here are some pics and see if you can figure it out.

We're still undecided about a name though! We had the same problem when we were pregnant with Isabella. Hopefully we find something we both love soon!

As for Miss Big Sister Bella, she still insists that it's a sister. We try to tell her it's a brother, and she says, "no sister!" Eventually she will cave in and say, "hi baby brother." However, each day, we go through the same thing!

We also started getting her used to the potty this week. We have a potty seat that is part of the regular toilet seat (really cool actually). It flips up into the lid and has a lock to hold it in place when a big person needs to use the toilet. The tough part was getting her used to it. She was scared at first, and I have been going with the door open so she can see. Well, yesterday (I think) I told her I had to go pee. She grabbed her privates and cried, "Mommy! Pee pee!" So I asked her if she wanted to go and she smiled and said yes. I said, ok. I took her pants and diaper off, and put her on it. She seemed perfectly fine. At first she was holding on to me, but I showed her how to hold herself in place. She didn't actually go, but just getting her on it was a big step I think! Today, she sat on it twice (neither time did she go) and she sat there for a good 10 minutes. She didn't want to get off! She told me she was going pee pee (even though she didn't.) But that's ok. It's a start, and I don't really want to push her. She seems happy to sit on there, so we'll start with that!

Oh and last night, Rich finally felt the baby move! It wasn't a huge movement, but he said he felt it. I think he still gets a little weirded out by it! I asked him if he wanted to feel again, and he's like, Um, no, that's ok. I felt him already!


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