Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Surfing on the Mac!

Yes, I finally got my beautiful new 24" iMac and it's the most gorgeous computer I have ever seen! Of course, right now I am just web surfing and checking email because I am waiting to receive my editing software and stuff. Whenever Rich sees me on the laptop, he jokes why did he get me the Mac if I'm going to be on the PC? I may have to convince him to get me a Mac laptop so I can be mobile! LOL It is really a great computer and I can't wait to be able to fully use it for my business.

Last night, I was sitting in bed online and this baby moved really hard! I felt my insides move like jello! I've been trying to see if I can feel the movement from the outside with my hand but we're not quite there yet. I can't wait until Rich and Bella can feel the baby moving!

Otherwise, all is going well. I am having bad sciatica pain down my right side (painful to sit in certain positions sometimes), but feeling the baby moving makes it all worth it. I have had chocolate/peanut butter cravings the last couple of weeks. I have had the Girl Scout Peanut Butter Patties cookies, a peanut butter cup cookie from Starbucks, and the new Ghiardelli chocolate/peanut butter squares. I saw the commercial for them and I was craving them! I couldn't find them at the grocery store, but lucky me, my friend brought them up when she visited this weekend! So yummy!


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