Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marco is 8 months old

It's been ages and I'm not sure why I haven't been keeping up. Things just go by so fast and the next thing I know, it's been weeks or even months since I posted.

Where to begin? Marco is 8 months old and army crawling all over the house. He started doing that a few weeks ago. His bottom teeth finally broke through so we can see the two bottom ones just the very tip. Looks like the top teeth are going to break soon because his gums are so swollen. Just like his sister though, he doesn't miss a beat sleeping even though he's teething. He loves animal sounds. I always recite Moo Baa La La La (I think that's the title of the book) while I change him and he just cracks up! I just adore his laugh!

Bella is Bella - she's funny and smart but sassy and full of attitude lately. She can write her name and even draws stick figures. I have a picture of one of her works of art and I'll hopefully post it.

I totally skipped taking 7 month pics of Marco even though I totally intended on doing it. I was planning to take 8 month ones and here we are, a week later and I haven't done it. I will definitely need to get that in the plan for next week. I may have to do some outdoor shots now that the weather is getting warmer!


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