Sunday, March 29, 2009

So hard to keep up!

This blog is all I keep my thoughts and memories in and I can't even keep up with it! Now that we are no longer keeping up with monthly developments, I find myself slacking in even posting the regular stuff going on. Things here are going well. Our baby boy is moving a lot and Rich has even seen it from across the room. He still gets a bit freaked out by it though. Hopefully next month, we will do our family/maternity pictures.

Bella amazes us more and more every day. I say it all the time, but I can't believe how big she is now. The things she knows are just awesome to me. Her latest is if she gets hurt (although she really isn't), she says hurt and points to where it is. She'll tell me, "kiss." I kiss it and she says, "all better now!" It's so cute. She's also so great with Jordan. She took my beanbag that I use for newborn sessions and brought it downstairs. She will sit in it with a snack and tell Jordan, sit here (right next to her). Jordan will lie down and she will share her snack with Jordan. She looks at me and says, "Mommy, sharing with Jordan!" It's so sweet.

Here's one from February that I think is so cute. She shared her books with her animals and Jordan!

Oh and I forgot to mention that Bella somehow knows what snoring is! She will get a blanket and pillow, lie down on the floor, and say good night Mommy. Then she will snore really loud! It's so funny!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Major movement

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I have a new found addiction and I'm not quite sure what to do. I've dabbled in it before, but now I am a fully addicted to knitting! I started last week because I wanted to make a newborn hat for our son's newborn pictures. Well, I've made 5 hats in a week, 3 of which are the same (just trying to figure out size). I'll post pics in a short while.

The big news is this week, the boy is moving hard! I've felt it now and then, but now it's consistently every day that I can feel really big movements. I've felt the small ones, but now I can see my belly moving across. Rich felt him a few weeks ago, but last night, he finally felt a small earthquake. Rich actually jumped back in surprise! I think only women who have been pregnant can truly feel comfortable with that feeling! Every night, between 10 and 11, this boy is super active. I guess he's a night owl like mom! I'm hoping to do my maternity pics next week with Beth's help. I've been so bad about taking pictures!

Bella has really embraced the idea that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. We went to the midwife today and she did awesome. She was talking to everyone, telling everyone that the baby was in mommy. She is such a good girl and she will be an amazing sister!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snow fun!!

We finally got a chance to take Bella out to play in the snow, and she just loved it!! We had a really hard time getting her to come back inside! She even brought a snowball inside because she refused to leave it outside. We warned her that it would go bye-bye and melt. Later, she kept asking what happened to her snowball!