Monday, August 24, 2009

Our Bella is such a great big sister

This morning, Rich's mom was holding Marco and he started to cry. Bella started screaming, "He wants Mommy! He wants Mommy!" She was actually getting upset that he was crying. She always tends to him when he cries. She will come find me and tell me he's crying. She'll go to him and say, "Don't cry baby brother. I don't want you to cry. Mommy's coming." The other day, he was in his swing and he started to cry. Before Rich or I could get to him, Bella ran into the room, got his binky, and put it in his mouth! She is such a good big sister! She hasn't shown any jealous tendencies so far. We couldn't have asked for a better reaction to the changes in our family!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Marco is 1 month old!

I can't believe he's a month old already. This month flew by! He is such a happy baby. He started smiling last week. He also holds his head up so high. He's always been able to hold up his head, but wow, it's amazing how high he can hold it now.

Bella asked to hold her baby brother today. She doesn't normally ask to hold him. She just loves to kiss and hug him. Now that he's a little older and sturdier, I let her hold him. She was so sweet with him!

More pics of Marco from today. I wanted to get some macro shots but he just wouldn't stop smiling so big at Rich. I had to capture them!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The end of the naps?? I hope not!

For the last two days, Bella has decided she doesn't want to nap. She will play quietly in her room for 4 hours when she should be sleeping. We have a camera in both kids' rooms and I was checking it today to see what she was up to. Imagine my surprise when I saw her face right up close in the camera! It was like the movies where the person finds the hidden camera. She had picked up the camera (sitting on her high dresser) and was looking in it. It was so funny!

Meanwhile, her baby brother is doing well. I've been trying to pay attention to the feedings and naps. He eats about every 3 hours during the day and 4-5 hours at night. He has discovered how to smile this week! Just yesterday, he actually smiled back and he seems to know what he's doing now! It's so cute!

Tomorrow, we are going shopping for *gasp* a minivan! I never thought I'd say this but I'm so excited to get a Honda Odyssey. We totally need it. The Jeep is completely packed with the two car seats. If we put the stroller in the back, forget it! We have no room!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Some more pictures

I finally processed a few more pictures. There are a ton of them but I have to pick and choose which ones get processed first!

One week old

At one week, a photographer friend of mine, Melissa Balthaser ( came to take our family portraits. I was so happy she came! Look at this great shot she got of us! I'm still deciding on how big I need to make it to hang over the fireplace...

Ten days old

The rest were when he was 2.5 weeks old...

My aunt works for Cartier and they had a contest for "I love Cartier" so we took some pics of Marco with her Cartier rings...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 weeks already

I can't believe that our little man is going to be 3 weeks old tomorrow. It just flew by! We had his 2 week appt on Monday (he was actually 2.5 weeks old) and he is now 12 lbs 3 oz! His head is over 16" and somehow, he shrank to 22.5" long! lol He's doing well. We are trying to get him used to a bottle so this momma can get out some times, but he's just not liking it that much. I try every day to give him one bottle and he is getting there.

Last night, I put him in his own room. I moved the recliner into his room and slept in there with him. It was actually easier since the changing pad is right there. I find sleeping in the recliner is easier to wake up from than the bed. I don't know if it's a subconscious thing that I am just taking a nap! He woke up a lot last night, but I just keep reminding myself that it's going to get better. I think maybe he's going through a growth spurt. He's waking up every 2 hours or so to eat.

Bella still adores her baby brother. She is just so in love with him. She talks to him all the time and one time she said, "Hi baby brother!" Then she turned to me and said, "Mommy, he's not talking to me." She's so funny! The other morning, she asked Rich to carry her downstairs. He said, "What are you crippled?" She said, "No daddy, I'm not purple." lol

One week old:

Two weeks old: