Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Marco will be 3 months old!

The time went by so fast! He'll be 3 months old this Friday! This time, I actually took his portraits early! We'll see if I can take more when the leaves start to change. It's tough to get shots of him smiling from behind the camera though. Plus, I'm at a distance so he doesn't have any incentive to look my way and smile!

Getting bored...

And totally done!


The kids' costumes came yesterday and Bella loves her monkey outfit! I took her outside and got some shots of our little monkey!

Just got a couple of snapshots of Marco since we were inside. His outfit is 6-12 months and thankfully, it does fit. We'll see if he will wear it though!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pics from the last month

I finally downloaded some pics from my point and shoot. Here are some pics of the kids...

And here are some from his "2 months" although he was already 2.5 months by then!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marco used the jumper

Well, I was reading the blog from when Bella was this age and didn't realize she was already using the jumper by now. So I got it from the basement and put it together. Marco loves it! He doesn't really do much in it yet, but he's long enough to touch the ground. (With Bella, we had to put something under her feet b/c she wasn't quite tall enough).

Also, I forgot to post that he laughs now. He has been for a couple of weeks. He is just so fun. He still takes about 3 naps a day. We were giving him formula before bed and he did sleep longer at first (6.5-8 hours). Last night however, he was back to 5 hours. I don't know why. Hopefully, he will sleep longer soon.

Here are some pics of him in the jumper and a few others from the last month. He'll be 3 months on Friday so hopefully we can fit in an outdoor session if the weather cooperates!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

Yes, Marco rolled! Yesterday, he rolled from belly to back. The first time, he looked like he wasn't sure what was going on, but after that, he was a pro!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How big is he???!

We had Marco's 2 month appointment last Tuesday and he weighed in at 15 lbs!! Now I don't feel guilty complaining that he's too heavy to carry in the infant carrier! He was 24.5" long and 43cm around his head. Bella was 4 months old when she was that size!! I started stocking up on 9 month clothes (sale and coupon at Carters! yay!) and got some 3T clothes for Bella. She's still too small for the winter clothes though, so I'm going to return them and get the 2T. She won't wear these past the winter anyway. Otherwise, the kids are doing well. Marco is going through a growth spurt right now. He was up every 2-3 hours last night to feed and when he did, he was acting like he hadn't eaten in ages! Hopefully once it passes, he will be back to at least 6.5 hrs if not more at night.

Bella amazes us everyday. I bought her a wood puzzle of the United States. After one day, she could put the whole thing together herself. There is an outline of each state on the board but it's not colored or anything. And some of the states as you know are just rectangles, so it really amazes me that she knows where they all go! I just bought her a bunch of new wood puzzles but they are so much easier than that state one! She'll have these figured out in no time.

Her language skills are really improving as well. We now go over what sound each letter makes and we say words that start with that letter. Her memory is amazing. We were at Barnes & Noble the other night and there was another little girl at the train table. She will be 3 in October, so she is older than Bella. She was smaller than Bella and I couldn't understand most of what she was saying. It really made me appreciate how well Bella has developed. We get compliments on her speaking abilities everywhere we go.

I took her to Stride Rite the other day and the woman measured her foot. She's an 8W. So we were at Target today to get her shoes and she said, "Mommy, 8W!" So funny! What amazes me too is that she remembers things so easily. We were at Babies R Us, and she touched this table that fell slightly. I told her she wasn't supposed to touch it. Well, hours later, she says, "Mommy I'm sorry." I said, "for what?" She said, "for touching the table. It was an accident."

The one down side though is she definitely speaks her mind even if it's not what we want to hear. We have been broken down by her "NO!" and "I don't want to!" behavior. It is so trying! But really, we know that she is still a very good girl and a saleswoman even told me that right in the middle of Bella saying NO. That says a lot I think! lol

Marco is such a fun boy! He smiles and laughs so easily. The pediatrician said he is doing beautifully. She put him on his belly to see his strength and she was quite impressed. I hardly put him down for tummy time but she mentioned it and said that he is going to roll easily. I put him down yesterday and he is so close! He actually did roll once, but I don't know if it was a fluke! He is quite the talker too just like his big sister!