Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Marco says da-da-da

The days go by so fast that if I don't write things down, it will be a month later and I'll be wondering when things happened. Marco started saying the da sound this week. It's so cute. I also cut his little curly stranglers along side his ears. I took more pics of Marco but we'll see if I have it in me to take more. Here are a few for now.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Marco is 6 months old!

Where did the time go? I say this every time but I just can't believe how fast it goes by. I was also looking at old videos of Bella and can't believe that was so long ago already.

They both had their ped appt last week and they did great. Bella loved answering the development questionnaire and asked for more questions. When the dr came, she only shied away once when she was asked to say ahhhhh. But I was able to get her to do it later. The dr asked if she knew all her colors, letters, and numbers. Rich and I both said, yes, in English and Spanish! Bella is 32 lbs (24%) and 36 inches (65%).

Marco was a flirt. The dr was very happy with him and said he's an easy baby. He's 18 lbs 6 oz (90 something %), 27 inches (90 something %), and 18" around his head (99%). She said we can go ahead and start giving him meat, which Rich was so happy to hear.

I am so glad that Rich was able to come b/c they both got shots and it would have been so hard to console them both. Overall, it was a great appointment.

At 6 months, Marco can now:

  • Sit up independently

  • Roll both ways

  • Get his own binky and put it in his mouth (YAY!)

  • Smack his lips

He has been eating solids for a month and he eats a lot!! He eats 3x a day and when I make his meals, I can't believe that all fits in him! It's a whole bowl of food!

We are so happy he can get his own binky. I stopped swaddling him earlier this week and he's been doing great. At first, he would cry when he woke in the night, but I think he figured out that he can get his own binky. The first night, I watched him on the monitor and was cheering him on, "Your binky is right there. Get it. Get it. Get it. Come on. You can do it. Yes!!" He's been sleeping great ever since. We have been so blessed with two easy sleepers!

I love how he can laugh so hard, just like Bella did. He does these big belly laughs, esp. when he is surprised (like peek-a-boo). He smiles so easily. His big sister Bella loves him so much and says it all the time.

Bella turned 3 this month too. Where did the time go? I cut her hair just after Christmas and I must say, I did great! I will post pics later. I took some really cute pics of her for her 3 yr portraits. She looks so grown up!

For now, check them out here:


Marco's 6 month pics to come.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

memorable quotes and more

Yesterday, we had a great day taking Bella to the Please Touch Museum in Philly for the first time. We got the membership so I can take her back any time. She really enjoyed it! Afterwards, she slept over my parents and actually didn't give them a hard time. I picked her up today and my dad shared this story. My mom was upstairs putting Christmas decorations away. Bella kept going up and down the stairs. My mom finally said, "Bella, stop going up and down." Bella said, "I'm not going up and down. I'm going down." She'll be a good lawyer some day I think!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Marco rolls and sits

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! Christmas was nice, but hectic. New Year's Eve was mellow and low key at home. Bella's birthday was fun. We took her to Red Robin for lunch and she loved her presents. I can't believe she is 3!

Marco is doing well. He has a little cold but I think he's finally getting over it. He is now rolling from back to belly. It's amazing how we can put him down one way, and he's turned 180 degrees and on his belly instead of his back! He also sits for a short period of time by himself. It really is so amazing!